Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Eid Mubarak

Hello Everyone

I know I haven't posted in a while; if you can call two years a while? Let's say I ran into MANY technical difficulties however, I haven't backed down and here I am again. 

Ramadhan has sadly come to an end. It was truly a blessed month and Eid is a celebration which marks the end of this month. It's hard to think of it as a celebration when there are so many humans around the world who aren't able to celebrate due to many factors - war and poverty, to mention but a few. I hope we can all remember them in our prayers.

My day was spent with family which is what is most important to me. I hope you had a beautiful day with your loved ones. Here are a few pictures of my Eid outfit. 

Let me know what you think?

All my love,


Scarf and Earrings: Accessorize
Coat: River Island
Polo Neck: Factorie
Pants: Mango
Socks: Topshop
Boots: H&M


  1. Stunning, you should make modeling one of your next ventures,as you are an excellent model

    1. Thank you so much. That is so kind of you. ❤
